News Archive



Congratulations Sean!

On March 27, Sean successfully defended his M.Sc thesis. In his thesis research, he used Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) devices to detect lead and mercury in water. Congratulations, Sean! 



Join us at AIO

Our postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Sogol Borjian, is one of this year's program chairs at the 2017 Applied Industrial Optics (AIO) meeting in San Francisco, CA. Two of our group members, Sogol and Amy, will be giving oral presentations at the conference. We hope to see you there!

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Congratulations Nic!

On January 27, 2017, Nic Andrews successfully defended his Doctoral thesis. Among the many projects in his thesis, Nic helped develop a Hadamard-Transform EEM spectrometer to increase the collection time of 3D fluorescence data by one hundred fold. Congratulations, Nic!


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Congratulations John!

On September 23, 2016, John Saunders successfully defended his Doctoral thesis. Among the many projects in his thesis, John helped to characterize and develop films for optical sensing, by studying their properties as they swell. Congratulations, John!



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Congratulations Annica!

On August 2, 2016, Annica Freytag successfully defended her Master's thesis. In her thesis, she used a laser-excited cantilever to measure the viscosity and density of different liquids. Congratulations, Annica!